torsdag 3. mai 2012

Theme 6: Healthy living and lifestyle

We are four people in our group. Some people in the group are exercising a lot, while some don't like to train.

Marius: I train very little, but i like to go for a walk sometimes.

Jeanett: I like to exercise, and I exercise because it's fun and it keeps me in shape. I run a sort of motorcycle called "trial". It is a motorbike used in rough terrain. I also train in the gym and I jog at home.

Renate: I like to exercise, and I play football three times a week. Otherwise, I train at the gym.

Susanne: I like to go for a walk along the way or go hiking in the mountains.

This is what we ate for one day! We'll post more on the blog later. 


Today we ate roughly crackers and goat cheese for breakfast, and we drank a glass of milk. 


We ate pasta salad for lunch.


We ate chicken and rice for dinner today.

 Evening meal

We ate a slice of white cheese for evening meal.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hi!

    How can you even live for 2 minutes on just a cracker for breakfast? I'll have to eat a whole package of those crackers before I have had enough till lunch! HAHA
    We here in the Netherlands don't eat pasta salads for lunch very often, we almost always eat bread with cheese or meat.
    In the past our parents and grandparents often ate dinner for lunch, if you know what I mean?
    And just bread for dinner!
    That's not common any more here!

    Greets! Joris Group 5 Netherlands

  2. Haha thank you for your comment. We eat often but small portions. It's very interesting to learn about the differences.

    Norwegians :-)

  3. Hi there!
    You have quite a healthy diet, but we don't see a lot of fruit in there! Like Joris, I have a very packed breakfast with fruit, whole wheat bread and coffee.
    Pasta for lunch is amazing!! We have it alot, it's very normal for the portuguese to have warm lunches and dinners.
    Do you take your lunch to school? If so, that's very good, that way you can control better what you eat, meaning, it can be healthier if you can want!
    Your overall diet seems great. Do you like to indulge a bit sometimes with chocolate or cakes, or do you have a very strict, athlete-like diet??

    from Raquel, Portugal's group 2!
